Friday, September 25, 2009

My Stupid Mouth

"My stupid mouth has got me in trouble,
I said too much again"
~John Mayer

I hate seeing people in pain. It consumes me.
I've learned lately that I would be one of those parents who probably never lets their children do anything fun or adventurous, for fear that in the process they may get hurt. Or the mom who tries to fight all her kids battles and anyone else's that will let me.

I like to be in control. I like to think that I know what is best. Therefore in my pride, I believe that I can do it better than God. But I tell myself, I just don't want them to hurt. I mean isn't that why I keep my nose in people's business? Why I speak up when I shouldn't? Why I worry about the outcome of things? Why I make plans and more plans in my waiting time?

In high school, my brother found himself up against one of the biggest bullies in our town. Everyone was whispering about it. "Did you hear Maria's brother is about to get in a fight?" I remember standing in the hallway as his best friend came screaming for me. In no time at all, I had made it down to the gym entrance where everyone was huddled, pushing and shoving my way through until I broke through the circle and saw him standing up against Goliath. And in that moment, I stepped in. Took control. Became someone who looked like me, but was a whole other person. It became my fight. After a few minutes of me yelling and screaming, the bully finally walked away.

I've made so many things about me by not letting people fight their own battles. In my attempt to keep people from hurting, I have ultimately hurt them with my words and actions and hindered them from learning some of life's greatest lessons.

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